WiFi has the advantage that you don't need to bring and install all those Ethernet cables, and avoids the ugly cable mess.
Connect all contestant machines and the admin machine to a network switch with Ethernet cables.
If you use multiple switches, don't forget to also link the switches together, such that the entire network forms a tree.
The contestant OS already has a WiFi pre-configured.
The SSID is `contest`, and the password is configured in the `contestant_wifi_password` variable in `os/config/config.toml`.
Configure the access point with this SSID and password, and the machines will connect automatically.
For larger contests (10 or more contestants) it's recommended to use a dedicated device as the Internet router.
SOI has a FRITZ!Box 4040 which can be used for this.
Here, you can easily get the list of IP addresses of contestant machines from the web interface.
It's best to connect the admin machine to the router box over LAN instead of WiFi, such that admin traffic only takes one wireless hop instead of two.
For smaller contests, you can also use the admin machine as a router.
For Ethernet, if you have Gnome, go to Network settings, click on the gear on the Ethernet connection, go to IPv4 tab, and select "Shared to other computers".
For WiFi, you can set up a WiFi hotspot in the WiFi settings.
However, with a hotspot enabled, Gnome does not let you connect to a WiFi network for Internet access at the same time, even though the hardware would in many cases support it.
Instead, you can connect a phone to WiFi and to your laptop with USB and enable USB tethering on the phone.
If you have Docker installed, this doesn't work yet, because docker blocks routing.
The contest lock screen is a gnome extension which can lock the screen and show a countdown until the contest starts.
The screen is unlocked when the contest starts.
The lock screen also displays the user name and a title.
It is configured in the file `/etc/contest-lock.json`.
It watches this file, and when it changes the new configuration is instantly applied.
If there is an error in the config file, it will continue to use the old config and print a message.
To see the logs, run this on a contestant machine:
journalctl -f -o cat /usr/bin/gnome-shell
An additional text can be shown with the `message` field. It can contain newlines (`\n`).
In case there is a problem with the contest lock screen and you can't fix it, the backup solution is to turn off `AutomaticLoginEnable` and set a password instead, that you announce when the contest starts.
- Open the gnome-shell developer tools: Press Alt+F2, enter `lg`.
## Problems and solutions
Here are solutions to recurring problems.
**User indicator does not appear.**
Fixed by adding the gnome shell version from `gnome-shell --version` to the list of supported versions: `shell-version` in `os/layers/contestant/includes.chroot/usr/share/gnome-shell/extensions/user-indicator@soi.ch/metadata.json`.