#!/bin/bash set -ex # Disable WiFi. # parallel-ssh -x "-F local.ssh_config" -h hostlist nmcli radio wifi off # Create hosts file so we don't need DNS. parallel-scp -x "-F local.ssh_config" -h hostlist ./config-hosts /etc/hosts # Configure firewall. parallel-scp -x "-F local.ssh_config" -h hostlist ./config-nftables.conf /etc/nftables.conf parallel-ssh -x "-F local.ssh_config" -h hostlist systemctl enable nftables.service # For some unknown reason nft gets stuck the first time it is run. parallel-ssh -x "-F local.ssh_config" -h hostlist --par 30 systemctl start nftables.service # Uncomment these lines if machines have 4K displays. This scales display to 2x. # parallel-scp -x "-F local.ssh_config" -h hostlist ./set-display-scale.py /usr/local/bin/set-display-scale.py # parallel-ssh -x "-F local.ssh_config" -h hostlist 'DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS="unix:path=/run/user/$(id -u contestant)/bus" runuser -u contestant -- python3 /usr/local/bin/set-display-scale.py' # Configure contest lock screen. parallel-scp -x "-F local.ssh_config" -h hostlist ./contest-lock.json /etc/contest-lock.json